To live is to enjoy your life. Life is going to be an roller coaster ride but you can find joy in your life as you live. My life hasn't always been peaches and cream, its been a discovery of who's I am and what I'm made of. Today I've realized how blessed I am and it brings me so much JOY. I was looking to have joy in things, people and to live my purpose in life but God changes everything.
God knows who you are and what you need. I've tried to do things my way, guess what? May way is the hard way. I discovered by sitting still in silence He gives me the answers and shows me the way. It is so true if you ask you shall receive but the catch is you have to obey. Obeying is being faithful, listening to pure guidance, and being grateful. Our lives is going to be filled with journeys and discoveries, the good, the bad. Why? Because that is LIFE. I have joy everyday. Not because of money, people, things, but because of what I have within myself. God is in me. He's given me peace, patience, wisdom, shown me love and how to love and free will. We choose how our lives will be. Following God is the easy route but the human in us all want to do things our way. With free will he lets us choose because He knows that whatever route we take on our own will lead us back to Him. Journey to Joy. |
August 2022
Thanks in advance for stopping by and I hope I have help you is some kind of way.