Mathew 6:24-34 (luke 12:24-27)![]() The world that we live in has made us anxious and worry about life. I am discovering that the things I worry or be anxious about I shouldn't be. God lets me know that he's got me covered. So why am I worried? We have become a society of looking a what someone else has and what we have has become not good enough. So that brings worry and anxiety. That means that I must get focused on life. Life is truly more important then the things in life. We have become to focused on what we are going to eat, wear, live, and how we look to others. Life is to be lived and enjoyed. When we don't live we worry about life. Jesus reminds us with his parable of the birds and the lilies of the field. The birds don't worry yet our heavenly Father feeds them. Don't you realize that you are more valuable then they are. He provides for them why wouldn't we think he will provide for us. Think of the lilies of the field, how they grow. Think of your faith. The stronger your faith the more you are covered for what you need. Don't let the world or your worries for tomorrow take over your Life. Live life seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything will take care of itself. ![]() Life. To many people forget the value of life. I am so tired of people blaming others for their life. We all get the chance to be born into this world so what are we doing with our one shot? Sometimes I look around and wonder why people feel the world owes them something? You're having a bad time with your life and want to blame others or your background. Grow up! Life is about change and correction. If you make a mistake learn a lesson. You are responsible for you. I am living with the good and bad choices I've made in my life. I'm not blaming the world or someone else. We all have been blessed with the freedom of choice. We didn't have a choice with the parents we got or the color of our skin but that shouldn't define who we are. The thing that is really making me sick is the excuses that people use to define their circumstances. It doesn't matter where you come from but where are you going and what are you doing that's what matters. Look at the man in the mirror. Take a real good look. I want you to go deep. Evaluate your life, what choices and decisions have you made to get you where you are? Stop blaming the world, your background and others. Take a good look at yourself. Don't rely on the history that you were taught. Educate yourself on life and you right now. There are people of the past that paved the way for you to have a better life now it's up to you to make the choice to change who you thought you were to someone that is who God wants you to be. Don't rely on yourself seek and find the wisdom that you need. Get into the right season. The more you are blessed to be here the more chances you get to make the corrections. Get sick and tired of being sick and tired, so maybe you will make the change. I know I am. This is what life is about![]() Life is full of seasons just like the weather. In life there are no shortcuts. You must put in the work to have a good harvest. There is always reaping and sowing. So ask yourself what are you sowing? Just like in a garden you have to clear the field so you can plant the seeds. In your life we must get rid of all the clutter, the confusion and some people that are not helping us grow. This is going to be hard work. Sometimes we want to skip steps because we want to see our growth immediately but every step in life there is a process. When you plant something in your garden does it grow over night? Life is the same way. We must plant the seed and wait. The work begins behind the scenes. We have to put in the time to develop what we want out of life. While we are putting in the work the Spirit of God is working on the in and out guiding our steps. Don't stop your dreams, goals, because of difficulties. This is the season of hard work. Stay focus on that dream, goal. As you water the seed, give it plenty of sunlight this is the time you will see life. You'll see a lot and experience things in life. There will be times you plant something it will die or something else will overtake the seeds that you've planted. At times something that was planted didn't grow to what we wanted it to be. Always remember don't quit. Remember God is with you and with some things it is not its season. Stay the course don't look back. The harvest is coming. You will see all the work, struggle, disappointments pay off. Some battles are not always yours. Your accomplishments will show. This is the time to live. Then you start over. There are always going to be new chapters in your life but remember you made it through the process to go to the next chapter. Stay strong keep the faith and thy will be done. ![]() I was in a relationship over a year with a man that said he loved me, yet cheated on me. It was a messy break up. After this I found myself alone. I'm now 47 and single! No I am not scared. I remember when I was younger that I was used to being on my own. So having someone around wasn't that important to me. I found that peace was most important. Sometimes as women we get used to sharing and having someone around. Reality is I am my own person, if I can't enjoy being single, how can I enjoy being with someone else? So I started enjoying me. I became happier, I felt free, no drama and I really begin to enjoy life. Realizing being single gave me time to be myself with myself. I had to let go of the past and appreciate the present. Enjoying my me time, I reconnected to my self value. I am better then just settling to have someone in my life. Being single doesn't mean you are alone. If you are lucky you may have a good support system with family and friends. Maybe you don't have the supportive group but you do have something that you love doing and you've got God. Sometimes being single is a call to focus on yourself. At times in relationship we lose ourselves. Maybe you had goals that you set on the back burner because of the relationship or you lost your identity. Now that you are single you can concentrate on finding and developing who you are. I have found now my life has balance. I found out everything in life is a process. I am starting over. Guess what it feels good. My dreams are no longer on hold, I have so much freedom, less stress and I am truly living. Don't be afraid because you will find what you were missing and you will know what you want from a relationship if you decide to get in one. Love yourself first and the love you want will be there. |
August 2022
Thanks in advance for stopping by and I hope I have help you is some kind of way.